Come See Rinde Eckert in “Five Beasts” at Roulette this weekend!

Rinde Eckert and Ned Rothenberg will be performing Five Beasts as part of A Portrait of the Man as an Animal, a FREE night of talks and performances at Roulette this Sunday, October 21, 2012.

Five Beasts is a set of five portraits of the human animal as it manifests itself in the classic behaviors of predator, prey, ruminant, or scavenger, wolf, mouse, ox, ferret, vulture, dog, or bear, the animal as totem, the animal as guide, the animal as witness. These animals put our pretensions in relief, or challenge our grand anthropocentrism. They inform us, teach, if we listen. We are absurd and amazed and sometimes beautiful in our utter ignorance.

FREE to the public. Reservation required. Please email with the subject line “RSVP – Portrait of Man as an Animal”

For information on how to get to Roulette, click here.